Ff14 arr
Ff14 arr

ff14 arr

As Bahamut casts Megaflare, Louisoix teleports the adventurers into the future, the last scene shows the bright light of Megaflare engulfing Louisoix. Louisoix, and the other members of the Circle of Knowing, are praying to The Twelve for help in sealing Bahamut, they do so, however Bahamut breaks through the seal. He brings Dalamud down, and Bahamut emerges. The 1.0 players could take on the empire in the scene shown in the End of an Era video, including the final 1.0 boss, Nael, mentioned earlier. There were also a few clashes between Eorzea and the empire. In each of the last patches in 1.0, Dalamud kept growing bigger and bigger in the sky, this caused a hell of a lot of problems with monsters all over, but I'll leave those details to the wiki. After watching the two trailers, I started reading up on a wiki.īasically, the quick and dirty synopsis is this. Double Post Merged,, Original Post Date: -I was left with few questions myself when playing the beta about the bridge between 1.0 and ARR. The whole "Giant dragon hatching out of the moon"? ya that would be Van Darnus' work. He was very cunning and had lots a machinations working in the back ground of the Garlean government for years before the FFXIV story begins to bring everything to a head as it did during 1.0. Van Darnus is a villain that lives up the the FF Villains of the past, imo. He is an avid lore freak and breaks things down in a way that is easy to follow even if you didn't have the chance to play through the quests and read all the text/see all the cutscenes. I suggest you go to the official "Lore" Forum on the Lodestone and read any posts by Anonymoose. He is the key antagonist (an awesome one at that) and is pulling many many strings behind the scenes.

ff14 arr

If you want the real juicy details of the story I suggest you look into a fellow by the nam Nael Van Darnus.

ff14 arr

The story is not nearly as simple as the war and summoning of Meteor. Well not so much convoluted but there are a lot of players in the mix.

Ff14 arr